Deadline to submit Expression of Interest to attend the webinar is 17:00 Wednesday 6 March. Although this is an online webinar there is a limit on numbers. If places are oversubscribed, we anticipate we will make selections after 6 March.
Everyone has a story. So does every piece of media - from movies and books to poems and posters. We are all constantly telling and consuming stories, even if we don’t always know it.
So how do we learn to decode the stories around us and sharpen the tools we need to tell our own? How does social media - the single greatest impact on storytelling this century - affect the way we consume and tell stories? In this 2-hour online session, we’ll begin to look at these questions. Exploring key examples of successful storytelling in various formats - documentary, narrative, viral marketing and more - we’ll learn how stories are planned and evolve over time. We’ll also cover how stories are adapted for different audiences, teaching us how to separate the ‘core’ of a story from how it’s presented. At the end of the session, we’ll gather our learnings into a list of practical dos and don’ts, including pitfalls to avoid when telling your story. At the end of this training you will:- learn the basic tools needed to deconstruct stories of all kinds.
- understand what the ‘core’ of a story is - and why it’s OK to change everything around it!
- (hopefully) come away with a fresh perspective of your own story and how best to tell it.