I loved the hands on experience with the RED cameras as it’s an opportunity not many people will be able to get at this stage, which leads me to be more employable in the future! I also found the seminars on zoom to be extremely interesting and helpful and I can translate a lot of what was said to other camera types, not just RED cameras.
Anonymised Student

MyWorld Skills and Training team worked with Esprit Film and Television and RED Digital Cinema to deliver an exciting four-day MyWorld REDucation course.

MyWorld’s REDucation course targeted attendees from underrepresented backgrounds who had an existing knowledge and interest of the film industry. The REDucation course demonstrated the use of a variety of high technical RED cameras to a group of 11 students, including informative live interactive sessions each evening delivered by internationally recognised film makers and producers from RED, in the United States.

Throughout the course, two Camera Assistants were on hand to assist students with the RED camera kit, as they practiced their newly learnt skills in Digital Cinematography. The REDucation course enabled students to have invaluable hands-on time with state-of-the-art industry standard cameras, further developing their knowledge and skills. On the final day the students followed a mock client brief and fully utilised the cameras with further support from the two experienced Camera Assistants, practising not only their technical skills in setting up the cameras, audio, and lighting for filming, but also developed their interviewing skills.

Keep a look out for future news as MyWorld’s Skills and Training team will be providing more opportunities like this in the coming months.

This course has given me the knowledge and skills to confidently handle and operate RED cameras. Since doing the course I have now been employed at Esprit film and television.
Anonymised Student